Proper before and after care are an integral part of your procedure.
Not only will this ensure a more comfortable experience during your procedure, but will also allow for the best possible result.
Please do not book your appt without reading
If you have previous permanent makeup done elsewhere DO NOT book an appt without approval. To get approval please email a clear, unfiltered, front facing photo to Appt times are lengthy and your artist’s time is valuable. If you schedule an appt and your previous permanent makeup is too dark or saturated for your artist to work over you will still be charged in full for your appt time. Prior approval is necessary to avoid this.
Be sure to drink lots of water in the weeks prior to your appointment. Not only will your skin be better prepared for the tattoo session, hydration greatly benefits the healing process as well.
Avoid Retin-A and AHA skincare products for at least 2 weeks prior to appt
If you use Accutane you must be off for 1 year prior to procedure
Do not tan or have a sunburned face. We will not be able to work on your brows or lips resulting in a cancellation fee.
Avoid Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, or Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure
No alcohol for 24 hours prior to your appt.
If you are a regular coffee drinker you may have one cup of coffee on the morning of your appt, but avoid excessive amounts of caffeine
No waxing or tinting for at least 3 days prior to procedure
Please do not apply your own numbing creams prior to appointment
If you are currently taking antibiotics do not book your appt until 2 weeks after your last dose.
For all lip blush or lip neutralization services: If you have any history of cold sores, we recommend taking an antiviral medication 3 days prior, the day of, and 3 days after your procedure.
For lip blush procedures be sure to properly prepare your lips by gently exfoliating the lips in the weeks prior to your procedure. Dry patches can affect the pigment implantation.
Allow 14 days for your new permanent makeup to heal properly. Avoid scheduling your appointment before vacations, events, photoshoots, or any period when you can't adequately care for your cosmetic tattoo.
Avoid niacin, fish oil, aspirin, vitamin e, or ibuprofen for 48-72 hours prior to your procedure unless medically necessary. You may take Tylenol.
Wash your hands before touching or applying any product to area
Maintain facial hygiene, cleanse brows/lips and apply your healing balm according to your aftercare instructions provided at your appt
Do not stand under shower head or get area completely wet
Itching is normal... DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR RUB the tattoo
Allow the area to flake on its own as this will preserve the tattoo
Avoid sun exposure as much as possible afterwards
Never lay in a tanning bed....not only is it horrible for your skin but it will destroy the quality of your permanent makeup
Additional aftercare instructions will be discussed at your appointment time
Permanent makeup procedures may not be suitable for all clients. If you have any health conditions that you feel may cause an unfavorable result please check with your doctor before scheduling an appointment as this is by no means a complete list. Permanent makeup is not recommended for clients who are:
Pregnant or breastfeeding
Have uncontrolled diabetes
Had an organ transplant
A history of keloid scarring
Currently taking blood thinners
Currently taking antibiotics (appts should be made 2 weeks after last dose)
Sun Damaged Skin as it is unable to accept pigment properly
Undergoing any cancer treatment and up to one year following chemotherapy and/or radiation
Accutane (must be off of treatment for a full year)
Had Botox within 4 weeks of appointment
Sick with cold or flu-like symptoms
Have tested positive or exposed to Covid-19 within the last 3 weeks
You may experience minor swelling, redness and tenderness immediately after procedure. This should last anywhere from a few hours up to a day or so. You should not require any down time and may resume most regular activities the following day after your procedure, but avoid excessive sweating, swimming, saunas etc. Your tattoo will appear dark after the first day and gradually lighten as the tissue heals. As the normal flaking and peeling of the tattoo occurs it may appear to take some of the color with it……this is a normal part of the healing process. The tattoo will darken again as the month goes on. Please understand that all permanent makeup procedures are a two part process and any inconsistencies will be addressed at your touch-up appointment. It is a good idea to purchase a 45+ SPF unscented chapstick to apply to the eyebrows and lips after they are healed whenever you plan to be in the sun and just outside in general. Sun exposure will fade your tattoo and the SPF in the chapstick will keep them looking beautiful longer.